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  • A passive source seismic dataset was acquired during RRS James Cook cruise JC152, around the Scanner Pockmark Complex in the North Sea. Data were recorded on 25 four-component ocean bottom seismometers (OBS - hydrophone and three-component geophone), deployed in and around Scanner Pockmark, recording at a sampling rate of 4 kHz. The OBS recorded continuously between deployment and recovery (28/08/2017 to 05/09/2017) including through periods of active source seismic data acquisition, indicated in the cruise report (Bull, 2017). Data are provided in miniSEED format. The receiver drop locations are provided in the associated metadata directory. The data were acquired as part of the 'Characterization of major overburden leakage pathways above sub-seafloor CO2 storage reservoirs in the North Sea' (CHIMNEY) project, funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) under grant reference NE/N016130/1.